We are what we consume – Navigating the mass market world


Here I discuss with an old chum of mine the world of consumerism and how that effects us on a personal and community level (covering feelings ofIsolation). There are some entrepreneurial stuff thrown in there as well.

Towards the end we cross a few topics of education and healthcare.

Not as dry as you think, it goes a bit deeper than a ‘bussiness’ discussion on consumerism.

E81. Arguments for & against intellectual property revolution

Intellectuals, Royalties, Search Engine, Elites, Inventors, Investors, Businessmen, Torrent, Government, Artist, Resources, Theft, Property, Force, Branding, Secret Formula, Advance Engineering, Backward Engineering, Scarcity, Rewarding Hard Work, Original, Idea, Accounting Ledger, Usage, Feedback, Interaction, Markets, Copyright, Decay, Fine Tuning, Multiverse, Face Recognition, Pattern Recognition, Mining, Exchange Rate, Living Standards, Circulation, AI


E79. Value Coin – Solution for Intellectual property rights

Intellectuals, Royalties, Search Engine, Elites, Inventors, Investors, Businessmen, Torrent, Government, Artist, Resources, Theft, Property, Force, Branding, Secret Formula, Advance Engineering, Backward Engineering, Scarcity, Rewarding Hard Work, Original, Idea, Accounting Ledger, Usage, Feedback, Interaction, Markets, Copyright, Decay, Fine Tuning, Multiverse, Face Recognition, Pattern Recognition, Mining, Exchange Rate, Living Standards, Circulation, AI


E65. Addressing Concerns of Capitalism

Evil, Profit Motive, Economics, Economy, Planned obsolescence, Cartel, Printer cartridges, Product,  Reputation, Quality, Isolating, Disposable, Greed, Safety, Customer loyalty, Branding, Collusion, Governments, Fashionable, Disposability, Technological advance, Standardisation, Replicability, Commitment cost. Once committed, Long term, Short term, Resale, Disposal, Physiological, Ingenuity, Laziness, Customer profile, Sustainability, Upgradable, Reliably, Moral hazard, Wise choice, Mindlessness, Shareholders, Wealth Redistributing, Market Force, Inflation


E59. The greatest animation movie if Hollywood dared…

Arguments, Hollywood, Profit motive, Pixar, Dream works, hidden messages, Inspiration, Virtue, Oppression, Good & Evil, Storytelling, Children, Audience, Propaganda, State, Consumerism, Commercialism, Branding, Disney, Socialism,  Corporatism, Idealised, Idealism, Immorality, Discipline, Knowledge, Practise, Entrepreneurism, altruistic, training, Socrates, Value, Brave, Philanthropy, Production, Efficiency, Reduction, Religiosity,  Plato, Aristotle, Philosophy, Curiosity, Governments, Businessman, Impulsiveness, Hidden Costs, Force, Power, Totalitarianism, Environment, Production
